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New Valentine Kits From QueenBrat Digital Designs

 Hey Guys!

Long time no hear...I know!  Hope you all are doing better than my bunch!  We have all passed around the dreaded Covid virus.  Luckily none of us got it too bad, but we about drove one another crazy being shut up together for 10 days...lol.  And I missed my little man like crazy.  It's hard separating a Nanny from her grandbabies!

Anyway,  I do have two new kits ready for you.  Both are Valentine/Love Theme kits.

The first is an Exclusive kit and can only be purchased at my MyMemories.com store.  It is called I Choose You.  

A look at love in a different color.  We have shades of blue, purple and green with glitter, cardboard, and lots of flowers and hearts!  A fun kit to use for Valentine's Day or any Love/Romance theme project.

Also available is the bundle and individual packages.


The second new kit can be purchased at my QueenBrat Digital Designs Store and my MyMemories Store.  It is called Like A Rose.

A beautiful watercolor rose filled kit perfect for Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, or romantic/love project.

Also available is the bundle and individual packages.




I also have a Valentine's Day Sale happening in both stores.  Save an extra 25% right now on everything in the stores through February 15th.

Stay tuned.  Now that I am better there is more to come this week!

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