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Blog Party Train is about to take off!

Hey folks!!

First let me thank you all for your comments and votes for my kit at the SAS-y Lady Design competition at Stone Accent Studio. I'm running about 6th place, which is a little disheartening to me because only the top 3 get a spot in the store. So, I will ask ever so nice that you please, please go cast your vote for me.....lol. It would really mean a lot to me to be one of the top three. You can vote here. And be sure to snag this weeks FREE kit here.

Here is another peek at my kit for this week.

If you think it's any good, please cast your vote for me. And even if you think it sucks I would still like to have your votes.....lol!!!

Okay, on to some important news!!!

I hope your hard drives are cleared out because we have a HUGE blog party rolling into town!!!
70!!! Yes, 70 designers have been collaborating since early July on a gorgeous freebie kit called Fall Splendor!!

These folks come from all different time zones, all over the world, so if their part isn't posted yet,
please be patient and keep checking back! Links will be available until Halloween so there is lots of time to download yourselves silly!!

So... grab some coffee, tea, soda or whatever floats your boat and let's PARTY!!!!

Please leave these amazing people some love for all their hard work! They sure do deserve it! :D

OK, here's what I have for everyone!! After you have snagged my part click the Blog Train logo below to take you to the official blog site for the other links.

Links have expired.

Blog Party Central

Enjoy all the goodies!!! And please remember to show some love to the designers.

Goodnight all!



Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your gorgeous designs - this collab kit is awesome!!
The twisted ric rac border, the flower and the beautiful frame are my favorites!!

Maria said...

Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 01 Oct [LA 12:00am, NY 02:00am, UK 07:00am, OZ 05:00pm] ).

Dana said...

Spectacular!!! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Lovely! I love the frame and braided border. Thanks for sharing :)

Ginabee said...

Your work is amazing. Thank you!

Elaine said...

This is just wonderful, Thank you so much for your part in this awesome mega kit. Good luck in the SAS contest, I have to go look and vote because I think your kit is just beautiful.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for your contribution to this beautiful Fall Splendor kit!

beckygtx said...

Thank you so much!

Nani said...

Love your part of Fall Splendor! :) It's one gorgeous mega kit!

I'm working on getting everyne from the SAS contest together for a blog party, a little one, but I couldn't send you a M! can you drop me an email at chroniclesofnani@gmail.com so I can send you the details? Thanks! :)

Sharon aka Scrapcat4914 said...

TY so very much!!!!!!!!!!!

Elaine said...

Thank you for Fall Splendor, love it. Your SAS kit is goregous, I am going to go vote for you!!

spartica said...

Love your Fall Splendor kit! It's a beautiful contribution to help us scrappers scrap! Thx for joining in to make this party a success!!!


Janine said...

Your kits are ALWAYS awesome. I love your elements. Thank you.

Kittenb said...

Gorgeous!!!!!! Thanks

Angel said...

Thanks so much! This whole collab is awesome and your part in it is beautiful.

Barbara said...

Thanks so much!

BlueRose said...

I love your part thank y0u very much....Kat

JohannaL said...

Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Ya'll rock! I love this layout!

Michele said...

Just beautiful!

Stash Empress said...

Thank you!

Charmed by Gorjuss said...

Thank you for participating in this train!

Julie P. (babyofmine) said...

.•:*¨¨*:•.Thank you!•:*¨¨*:•.

amsangel said...

Thanks so much for taking part in this kit, I love the scalloped borders!