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All Aboard!!!! The November MyMemories Blog Train is Leaving the Station 🚂

Welcome aboard the November blog train from the MyMemories.com designers!

My contribution to the blog train is from my new kit 'Gnome For The Holiday'. You can find it in my stores now.  Just click the link on the right----->and go to your favorite store.

The gnomes are celebrating Thanksgiving with our Indigenous gnome friends.  Take them home with this fun, fall theme kit filled with lots of gnomes and other goodies! Includes a large paper pack and variety of scrapping materials that will make this a great addition to your collection.

Here is my part of the train.

Here are the goodies of the blog train. There are lots of beautiful pieces!!!

Be sure to stop by and grab each part and don't forget to leave some love!

My Stores:


gypsymonkeyscrap said...

Thank you for the goodies!

Blanca B said...

Sorry, but the Mymemory web say: This product has been discontinued and is not available to purchase.

QueenBrat Digital Designs said...

Hey Blanca, The blog train products are only available from the 16th to the 30(31st) of the month that they are published in. After that time they will either be removed or become a part of each designers store and a price added. I generally remove mine at the end of the trains. Sorry hun, that you missed this one.